Dispatch & Delivery

What do you want to know?

What is the delivery time and cost?

Our dedicated page can tell you about the delivery times and costs for our various shipping choices, depending on the destination. Standard shipping in France is free for orders over €100.

Why does free delivery require a minimum of €100?

Good question, and we haven't made this decision lightly. We established this shipping threshold to continue providing you with the highest quality products while dealing with escalating costs.

What delivery methods are available?

All of our shipping options are listed on our dedicated delivery 'Delivery & Shipping' page.

How can I check the delivery status of my order?

We will email you with a tracking link as soon as your order is accepted, so you can watch its progress. Follow this link to find out the status of your order. 

What should I do if I haven't received my order?

We notify you by email once your order is on its way, so you know when to expect it.

If you have not received your parcel within our regular delivery times, please follow the instructions outlined below.

  • Check the delivery time for your type of order. If your order includes personalised products, processing timeframes may take an additional 1 to 7 working days, depending on the quantity ordered.
  • Check the status of your order from your personal account.
  • Use the tracking URL provided in the email to check the status of your order's delivery.
  • Haven’t received a tracking link? Check your spam folder and the email address provided at the time of ordering.
  • Have you checked for a missed delivery notice? Your parcel could have been left in a safe location, such as with a neighbour, or it could have been dropped off at a nearby collection point.